Thursday, November 12, 2015

To Embrace One’s Humanity.

To challenge one’s accepted identity.

To reunite with one’s creative power.

To embrace one’s humanity.

To hold one’s humanity up to the light, so that one can see their dark unacknowledged parts. Those aspects within us all that squander potential. Mind you that this potential is not ego centered. It is not a potential that seeks to establish superiority but rather explore possibilities. To embrace this gift of life in a human body. To cherish this opportunity rather than squander it through the telling of stories that limit and confine us.

In opening one’s heart, the mind becomes reunited with its own creator. Stories slip away. Peace becomes rather than pursued. People are seen in the likeness of the being they possess, even if they cannot see this within themselves. True leadership is nothing more than the ability to remind others of their true nature, their fundamental essence. True loving kindness grows through cultivating that which has been neglected. Loving that which is already loving us, if we would simply stop running away from it. Trying to replace it with things, material.

In actually dissolving this story, we become reacquainted with a truth so uniquely ours, much like a sky of snowflakes. We are all messengers. We all see and know and sense this great expansive oneness in a unique and independent way. This is our birth right.

A thought is never fully formed much like a loving embrace never really ends. It has happened. We have experienced it, it can always be called upon to comfort us in the future, no matter how dark and isolated our days can become. We can bury these gems of emotional oneness with others but we cannot delete them from our experience. They did happen. We were there to experience them. Our minds can take those moments and add meaning as we grow further from them. We try to hold on to them, to grasp them, possess them. Chasing something implies that they cannot not be experienced again.

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