Recognizing and acceptance of the truth or fact of:
I acknowledge that lack of conscious awareness makes my life unfulfilled.
We are always aware of something. We are always aware of some aspect of our reality. We can become so aware that we begin to concentrate solely upon it. This can happen with both our inner and outer worlds. It does not seem to matter if this reality or personal identity is fancied or real, once we become fixated on it, we become identified with it. This aspect of our reality becomes a part of us. We begin to protect our perception of the reality we perceive as if we were protecting ourselves. If this perceived reality holds little value to us, then we have unknowingly devalued ourselves. In either instance, we begin to reject opportunities that do not correlate with what we have accepted to be our identity.
With this, our viewpoint or concept of reality becomes limited.
We see what we want to see and what we see, is a reflection of who believe ourselves to be.
In these instances we are still aware, in some cases, we are hyper aware. Sometimes this awareness is upon nothing but a story inside of our own minds. This story is comprised of lingering fragments of our past experiences. This inner narrative within our minds controls our awareness of the past. This sort of awareness is also distorted and limiting. As we have moved away from so many seemingly fateful past experiences, our minds perception of those experiences becomes increasingly distorted. Our recollection of the past slowly becomes the next chapter in the personal narrative with our minds.
You know on some level that your life, created up to this point, as you read these very words, was not simply the hand of fate. Deep down you know that you are not fated to endure. Deep down there is a quiet voice that knows otherwise. This voice of intuitive truth can guide you beyond the mold of your conditioned mind.
Our relationship with this fundamental essence must be cultivated. It must be honored. To avail our mind and its awareness to this sacred part of our Being within us, avails us true creative power. Our being has its own consciousness of which, we must be made aware of. The quality of the reality we collectively share and enjoy depends on our willingness to cultivate this intuitive relationship. The consciousness of our Being is connected to a universal consciousness. We are the protons, neutrons and electrons who comprise the universal atom. We all have our unique energetic charge. This charge is an energy vibration. It is our true essence. If we are not vibrating in our homeostasis, we are off balance. We are not consciously aware. We have diminished our awareness of our intuitive truth. For most of us, we limit the qualities of our lives and personal relationships with the unconscious awareness we sustain.
We become Unconscious Creators.
Not only are we unaware of our Being’s Consciousness, we are also unaware of our own thoughts and the effect they have on our quality of life. Many of us are totally unaware the fact that we are motivated by fear. Fear involves running, fighting and freezing. If you find yourself at odds with your environment then your fear has compelled you to fight. If you find yourself avoiding your environment then your fear has compelled you to flee. If you find yourself in the throes of apathetic inaction, then your fear has compelled you to freeze. This fearfulness creates an instinctively reactive mindset.
This fear driven mindset has no choice but to attempt to control its environment. This environment includes people, places and things. By universal law, there is always an internal “thing” that are somehow supporting the validity of the external environment we experience. These things are usually Unconscious Thought Patterns and Self-Defeating Beliefs. If someone believes that they are incapable or unworthy, then their patterns of though and subsequent action will support this belief.
These habitual rituals needs to be brought to our awareness.
“Until we make the unconscious conscious, it will direct our lives and we will call it fate”.
-Carl Jung
In this process you will slowly bring the unconscious recesses of your mind into your awareness. In doing so, you will see that this fate may be more self-perpetuated than you realized. As this new awareness naturally grows, you will become increasingly less identified with your habitual mind and the character it sustains. As your unknown allegiances to unconscious creation become known, they can also become surrendered. You can actually become unidentified with a belief you supported which caused you unknowing frustration and suffering. This self-defeating belief and the unconscious thought patterns that supported its validity slowly begin to dissolve. They become untrue for us. As you proceed through this process, the voice of fear and control will become whispered and then vanish from your awareness. In the same instance, your inner voice of intuitive truth will become more apparent. This process facilitates an actual changing of the guard within our mind. Fear and control will give way to an intuitive truth that supports love’s expression. As we reach inner homeostasis we consciously create our lives from this sacred space. The more we practice the principles outlined in this process, the more we will consistently align our creative ability with a power far greater than our learned doubts and fears.
Slowly, our moments begin to change.
Our relationships begin to change.
Our abilities begin to change.
Our degree of fulfillment begins to change.
Our fundamental needs beyond those of survival come into our awareness.
As this occurs, we become increasingly more willing to act upon our intuition’s subtle viewpoint. With this willingness we have also rediscovered a desire that we were not aware of.
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