Wednesday, June 12, 2013

What Are Unconscious Thought Patterns?


"We acknowledged that we were powerless over our unconscious thought patterns which had made our lives unfulfilled."

So, what are unconscious thought patterns?

Unconscious thought patterns are ingrained and automatic thought pathways within our minds. These pathways are similar to grooves on a record. They are much like a path that has been well worn. Our thought impulses have traveled across these well-worn paths time and time again. When we think a thought long enough, especially an emotionally charged thought, it quickly be-comes automatic because the neural path-ways for this thought become strongly em-bedded in the neural network of our brain. They become habitual. As in, our unconscious thought patterns become something we act upon automatically.

For Example:

Just think back to when you were learning to ride a bike. In the beginning you had to make a very conscious effort to stay balanced and move the pedals. After a while, and with much repetition, this became an ingrained response. It became second nature. At this point, the bike pathways within your mind had become established. This is when riding a bicycle became effortless and automatic. That’s why you never forget how to ride a bike!

Unconscious thought patterns are very connected to our subconscious. We view the subconscious like memory in a computer or one of those old cameras that burns an image on to a sensitized plate. The subconscious is similar to a storage device. It registers every moment experienced. It stores all the thought impressions we have over the course of our lives. The more emotionally charged or habitual these thought impressions are, the stronger the impression our subconscious registers. The more thought impressions our subconscious registers, the stronger the thought pathway that supports those thought impression will become.

If you have ever moved the trashcan in your kitchen from one area to the other then you understand how this mental process works. Perhaps the trashcan used to be under the sink. Perhaps it was there for years. Then you bought a new trashcan that would not fit under the sink so you moved it against the wall. How many times did you have to catch yourself getting ready to throw your trash under the sink even though the trashcan was now against the wall? Perhaps it took a few days or weeks before you automatically registered that the trashcan was against the wall.

As you can see, unconscious thought pat-terns are neither good nor bad. They are what we have made of them. They are the mental reflection of the lives we have experienced and the thoughts we have supported. The focus of Handbook One is to acknowledge those unconscious thought pat-terns, which are self-defeating.





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