Whenever we are unconscious we are often unaware of the beliefs that we have accepted about life. These unconscious and self-defeating beliefs keep us recreating the same unfulfilled experiences again and again.
Let’s focus upon these self-defeating beliefs that we have discovered to be one the main roadblocks to enjoying a life of fulfillment.
First off, let’s define the word Belief:
A Belief is a mental attitude of acceptance toward a suggestion without full knowledge required to guarantee its truth.
A perfect example of a belief can be found in the idea that our world is flat. This sounds absolutely ridiculous to even consider today but for thousands of years this was what most people on earth believed. In fact, those who argued that the world was round were often mocked and chastised. Those who thought that the world was flat upheld this belief with such conviction that they would fight anyone who thought differently. This is a form of cognitive dissonance when one believes something with great conviction despite proof to the contrary.
Today, beliefs in certain religious doctrines invoke similar reactions from their followers. What they believe is not only true for them but for all who inhabit the earth. Anyone who believes differently is perceived as a threat and often tortured, or even murdered - for believing otherwise. There are countless examples of beliefs which keep humanity divided.
None of these limiting beliefs would be possible without first having a divided mind.
Many of us believe that we must compete against one another to get our fair share. We support a belief in lacking; that there in not enough. This goes back to the days when we had to work much harder for much less. As we have advanced so too has our ability to create an abundance of all things material. Yet conditions such as poverty still prevail due largely to our impoverished state of minds.
There are those among us who believe that if they accumulate enough money or weapons that they will feel safe and in control. These people are not out to get the rest of humanity; they simply feel that they need to take extreme measures to remain in control and safe. These folks have yet to discover that it does not matter how much money or power they accumulate, nei-ther will ever be able to fulfill their fundamental needs!!
Many believe that there are people conspiring against them and that the mysterious “They” are to blame for their woes. These folks blame the rich and powerful for their own lack of fulfillment. They judge those with “more” but would switch places with those very same people in a heartbeat if they had the chance. These people get caught up in the notion that the world is unfair and they have nothing coming!! These "notions" are kept alive by their own unconscious thought pat-terns that sustain their apathy and victim hood.
Many believe they must only maintain their physical beauty in order to attract a lover.
Many believe they must have enough money to attract a worthy partner.
Then belief gets into the realms of superstition such as the belief that we must act in accordance with whatever our church claims to be acceptable or we will be banished to hell when we die.
Many of us believe that only “positive” experiences are to be appreciated or acknowledged. Others of us believe that they are neither worthy nor capable of experiencing those very same "positive" experiences.
Many of us have a set idea of how and where we can find contentment and safety and any other way is just plain wrong.
Many believe that they’re powerless to change their lives and that their God is the only power that can save them. Even if their "God" could save them, they would still have to become willing to be saved. This process serves those folks too!
Many believe that they cannot find happiness unless their life looks a certain way.
This list goes on and on.
Where the heck did all of these beliefs come from? Well, beliefs, as well as the mental pathways that support them, are all formed by suggestion. If you go back to our definition of Belief, the word Suggestion is the key to understanding the scope of a self-defeating beliefs all-encompassing effect.
Suggestion has two ways of affecting our minds.
Suggestion: The process whereby the mere presentation of an idea to a receptive person leads to the acceptance of that idea.
Here is an example of a life affirming suggestion:
"You're a very talented boy"
Here is an example of a self-defeating suggestion:
"You're a worthless loser"
Autosuggestion Is the process of suggestion in which a person supplies the means of influencing their own behavior. This is the way that those mental pathways are reinforced within our minds.
Here is an example of a life affirming auto-suggestion:
"I can do anything."
Here is an example of a self-defeating auto-suggestion:
"I am an idiot."
We are all influenced by the suggestions of others as well as the suggestions we tell ourselves. Modern advertising thrives off of the use of subtle suggestions including images shown on billboards.
Every belief begins as a mere suggestion.
Any belief becomes true for us when we automatically autosuggest enough thoughts to support it.
Let’s go back to our self-defeating autosuggestion example to gain a clearer picture. If someone habitually calls themselves an “idiot” then they are actually unconsciously supporting a self-defeating belief in their own stupidity. If someone believes they are a “stupid idiot” then they will set forth to prove this belief right by acting like a stupid idiot.
That’s pretty much it!
Copyright 2013 Retro-Collective Publishing Group
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